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Scholastic Answers
Defend the Faith

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 15, 20226 min read
"Whether without grace man can know any truth?"--Annotated Thomist
Thank you for subscribing to Annotated Thomist...check back each day for a new section of St. Thomas' corpus, annotated and summarized....

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 9, 20225 min read
What Online Catholic Apologists are Missing
"Scheeben’s The Mysteries of Christianity is more likely to convince one of the faith than Horn’s Case for Catholicism..."

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 29, 20227 min read
How do the Saints Hear us?
How do the saints in heaven, hear our pleads for their intercession on earth?

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 23, 20225 min read
Felix Culpa: A Thomistic Primacy of Christ
Can a Thomist hold to the absolute primacy of Christ?

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 6, 20224 min read
Introduction to the Senses of Scripture
An introduction to the senses of scripture according to the teaching of the scholastics.

Christian B. Wagner
Jun 7, 20221 min read
The Annotated Thomist
For just $1 a week, get annotated sections of St. Thomas' work.
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