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Scholastic Answers
Defend the Faith

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 17, 20216 min read
The Church Fathers and the Intercession of the Saints
To those who desire to be Catholics do not do historical theology in such as way that Arius could be a Catholic, or Pelagius, or Nestorius.

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 16, 202114 min read
The Sacraments and Theosis
“For He [God] was made man, so that we might be made God.”

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 13, 20211 min read
Is Mary a Perpetual Virgin?
Disputed question on the perpetual virginity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Christian B. Wagner
Aug 4, 20217 min read
A Defense of the Episcopacy, part 3: Pre-Pentecost
"This is the order established by Christ, there is no other."

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 23, 20212 min read
Seeking Truth through Debate
In light of this, I will be working on a new project, called "Disputed Questions."

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 19, 202146 min read
St. Augustine on Reprobation
"This question is not merely a debate between modern academics on an inconsequential, arcane, and archaic point of theology, rather this....
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