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Scholastic Answers
Defend the Faith

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 13, 20219 min read
John Henry Newman on Justification
"Newman identifies Bucer, Melanchthon, Calvin, Hooker, and Baxter's view of justification as 'quite close to [his] own.'"

Christian B. Wagner
Jul 7, 20219 min read
The Thomistic Doctrine of the Knowledge of God
"God sees all things in one (thing), which is Himself. Therefore God sees all things together, and not successively.”

Christian B. Wagner
Jun 29, 20217 min read
A Defense of the Episcopacy, part 2: After the Law
"There is no hint of Presbyterianism present in Old Covenant church, the only valid development is the episcopacy."

Christian B. Wagner
Jun 25, 20217 min read
A Defense of the Episcopacy, part 1: Before the Law
"The first article seeks to argue for the episcopacy by looking back into the Pre-Mosaic form of church government showing the continuity.."

Christian B. Wagner
Jun 17, 20214 min read
A Defense of the Imprecatory Psalms
"There is no reason to remove the imprecatory psalms from the liturgy of the church. Rather, we ought to follow St. Augustine's advice..."

Christian B. Wagner
Jun 11, 20216 min read
A Defense of the Sacral Vernacular
"There is a majesty and beauty which strike the reader, forming his worship to express the very beauty and majesty of God."
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