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Whether it Belongs to the Father to be the Principle of the Son or of the Holy Spirit?

Writer: Christian B. WagnerChristian B. Wagner

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cf., Sent.I.D12.Q1.A2.Rep1, Sent.I.D29.Q1.A1, Sent.III.D11.Q1.A1.Rep5, QDePot.Q10.A1.Rep8ff, Graecorum.Part1.C1

Now that we have determined certain questions concerning the the persons in general in Q. 29-32, now we will determine certain questions concerning the persons in particular, first, the Father. 

Here, St. Thomas treats three names, 1. Principle (A. 1), 2. Father (A. 2-3), and 3. Unbegotten (A. 4)

In this first article, we discuss the Father as principle of the Son and Spirit. Here, we discuss the various terms used to designate the Father's role in "originating" each, whether it be "cause" or "principle." For, principle simply indicates that which originates, which we have already established is in the Godhead, due to the processions. 

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