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Whether the Infusion of Grace is Required for the Remission of Guilt, which is the Justification...

Writer: Christian B. WagnerChristian B. Wagner

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Collect: O God who by love has brought us from sin into the glorious communion that is grace, continue to dispose us towards this mystical union, that we may be brought completely into thee, through Christ our Lord. Amen


In the Sed Contra, he quotes Romans 3:24 as his dogmatic text. Interestingly, St. Thomas, in his Romans commentary does not explicitly interpret this text as referring to sanctifying grace (yet, as we have seen above, such is assumed, where ever there is a gracious disposition, there is grace). Yet, in his Hebrews commentary, there is an analogue, "in sin is a perversity of will by which man withdraws from the unchangeable good. To correct this, Christ bestowed sanctifying grace: justified freely by his grace (Rom 3:24)."

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