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Philosophy Books

By Francis Aveling. "In the following pages I have attempted no more than to restate in simple language and upon the old philosophical basis, the natural proofs by which the existence of God is demonstrated...The methods to which I refer have been very various, some of them satisfying the logical requirements of natural reason, some relying upon factors that critical reason seems to be unable to approve...It is to those who desire, and with every right, a purely rational and intellectual treatment of the subject that the following pages are addressed."
By John Rickaby. "An endeavour has been made throughout these pages, while stating the sound, traditional principles of certitude, to bring them into constant contact with the antagonist principles, more particularly with the principles of Hume and the pure empirics...Scholasticism must now be militant, and that, not only with a view to outsiders, but with a view to retaining its own clients, who cannot fail to come across much in modern literature, for the understanding and the consequent rejection of which some direct preparation is needful."

Coppen's Brief Textbooks
By Charles Coppens. A full course of scholastic philosophy at a beginner level; A Brief Text-Book of Logic; A Brief Text-Book of Mental Philosophy (Includes Metaphysics, Psychology, etc.); A Brief Text-Book of Moral Theology.
By John Rickaby. An intermediate manual of metaphysics. Perfect read for those who have read Coppen's "Brief Text-Books" of philosophy or already have a basic background in metaphysics.

By Richard Clarke. This book gives a hands on approach to apologetics. It is set in the form of a dialogue, wherein we see a master apologist apply the arguments for the existence of God, and defend these arguments from objections. A necessary read for anyone who is engaging in apologetics with atheists.
By Brother Azarias. A collection of essays from Brother Azarias (1847-1893) outlining the influence of Aristotle on the Eastern and Western Church, showing how these developments lead to the rise of Scholasticism. Also covers the battle fought in the 13th and 14th century over the validity of using Aristotle in theology.

By Fr. Giovanni Cornoldi. Fr. Cornoldi is regarded by many as the "First Neoscholastic." In this interesting work, Fr. Cornoldi defends the philisophical system of St. Thomas from charges that it is against "modern" science. In it, Fr. Cornoldi synthesizes St. Thomas' philosophy with things as, Atoms, Chemical Transformation, and much more. In addition to this, he gives a brief, yet comprehensive overview of St. Thomas' physics.
In a former age, logic was seen as the foundation of all education. For, logic was the instrument of reasoning that all other sciences used. I have put together this work to provide an introduction to the basic terminology and practice of logic.

By Fr. Henri Grenier. A reprint of Fr. Henri Grenier's famous manual of Thomistic Philosophy.
By Charles Coppens. A full course of scholastic philosophy and theology at a begginer level. Includes A Brief Text-Book of Logic and Mental Philosophy, A Brief Text-Book of Moral Philosophy, and A Systematic Study of the Catholic Religion.